First Appt of the Day Down

Not the best news in the world… I start chemo tomorrow and I will be losing my hair 😦 It won’t happen immediately, but it is most likely happening soon. Grrrrr… O well.. Who wants to go wig shopping with me?!?! 🙂

O ya. And the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes. (Gotta love my priorities!). This isn’t good but it could always be worse, right?

I do have good news tho. They can’t see that it has metastasized to any other organs at least. Although it is possible the cancer may be in other areas that could only be seen with a microscope. Not knowing where to look makes it a little difficult to figure that out so we won’t know unless it continues to progress in those areas. Ideally, the chemo will keep this from happening though.

Now on the way to Boston to see if these world renowned docs have anything more to offer.

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